Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Currencies and Rumours of Currencies

There has been a lot of talk about a new currency for the world, something to act as an alternative to the dollar. The article I am linking to today is just one out of countless articles now swirling around the net where some official person or bureaucracy calls for a new currency.

The one thing I can say on all this is that we should not get ahead of ourselves. By that I mean : Yes the US dollar is and will continue to decline into insignificance, but that is a long process. The world has been using the greenback for oil and other things for quite some time now and you don't just switch over to something else in one fell swoop. Moreover, China and others have significant dollar holdings and though they would like to get out of them, that too cannot happen instantaneously.

I'm sure many gold bugs are pleased as punch to see gold now well over 1000$ but this process we have been predicting will happen over years.

UN calls for new reserve currency

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