Sunday, September 6, 2009

Chris Martenson on Gold Bashing

This is a great piece by Chris Martenson where he takes apart a mainstream article that puts down gold as an investment vehicle.

Dr. Martenson makes some guesses on why people in the mainstream media are always attacking gold - financial self interest being one of them. Whatever the reason, I think that this tendency to trash gold comes from very few people initially (just like a lot of 'views' and 'opinions' we see in the media) and then is simply repeated by the rest of the talking heads.

I know one thing. Gold (and other precious metals, most notably, silver) are excellent means of defending your wealth from the stealth theft that is inflation. So it would make sense that the Masters of the Universe would want us peasant folk to avoid it and invest our money in Goldman Sachs and the like.

Martenson article

Reuters bilge

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