Marc Faber is back in the guest chair at Bloomberg Asia and talking about the economic state of affairs. I always find it interesting how much his comments on the future diverge from the slick BS of CNBC. He has made some pretty harsh comments on the US dollar in the past - such as saying there will be Zimbabwe-like inflation.
Here he speaks about the dollar and the future of the US. He points out that the US can be expected to continue to devalue the dollar in order to pay for all their imperial excursions in the mid-east. It is important to note that just about every empire has devalued their currency as they decline into insignificance. Simply chanting "USA, USA" at the sight of the star spangled banner, like the proverbial Pavlovian dog, could cause one to be fleeced - whether they are in dollars or the DOW.
Dr. Faber also talks about how the dollar shouldn't be seen as a store of value, but perhaps something like property or other tangible things could be used to save - a point that has been made on this humble blog and many other websites.
He also mentioned the concept of a currency 'based on discipline'. If only there were such a thing! Many have argued for a currency that is printed and issued by the government, rather than one issued by a cartel of private banks (The Fed). That would certainly be better than the current system, but I don't really trust government to exercise much discipline in any field, especially not in the greedy realm of money. I think things like precious metals and land should always be seen as stores of value above money.
4 years ago
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